Saturday, December 27, 2008


Our parents are Brooks and Bonnie Thompson. We all all VERY blond and blue eyed. I am 24 (25 in February), single, and am second eldest after my sister Katherine.

Here is the rest of us:
Sister Katherine 26, married to Keith Jessop, mother or two, and a Medical Doctor in anesthesiology; she loves to blog, watch foot ball, and do things with family. Extremely outgoing, accomplished, and opinionated with good reasoning.

Sister Auralee 21 married married to Drew Briney, mother of one and due for another in the next month. She is half way through college in auto mechanics but doesn't think she may use it much. She does house cleaning mostly right now. Very timid, gentle, kind and considerate.

Brother Brooks 19 , single and is also at UVU to be a commercial/private airplane pilot; and is an amazing dancer of all types. He like air-soft, robotic engineering interests, and razer-boarding. Patient, seldom argues, cheerful and helps out a lot.

Sister Mercy 17 - very beautiful- she is a regional gold medal winner of theatrics, excellent dancer, and she plays the piano. She's a friend magnet too, but we later found out about half of them only liked her as a step to get to attractive Brooks Lee. Mercy is expressive and full of spirit and hungers for attention.

Brother Christian 15 an amazing gentleman and is an interstate regional gold medal winner of theatrics, dancer, and plays the trumpet and does amazing pencil art work. He is strong, gentleman-like, and compassionate.

Brother David, 13 does piano and straight A student at school. he is a fabulous cook and know how to fish well. David is patient, contemplative, and quiet, but loves things of raw humor.

Sisters Galilee 7, Grace 5, and Spring 2- kind, gentle and cute 24-7. These girls our our trio of blonds and love to tea party a lot, play dress-up, and read books.

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